
Tree Planning Services from SoundWood

Whether you are considering adding a small extension or new garage to a domestic dwelling, or the re-development of a large site, SoundWood Tree Consultancy through our range of quality, co-ordinated planning support services has the answers. Using the latest in survey and CAD drawing technology, we pride ourselves on the detail, quality and accessibility of our straightforward drawings and reports, and have an enviable record of securing planning permission for our clients.

Our planning work is undertaken by former local authority tree officers, in accordance with the guidance contained in BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition & construction – Recommendations.

We understand the importance of establishing and maintaining clear and open dialogue between all interested parties, and in particular with architects, planners and tree officers throughout the planning process.

There are three principal stages to preparing arboricultural information to support a planning application:

Arboricultural Constraints Appraisal

This is the first stage in the planning process. As a starting point, and using accurate topographical survey data, a site tree survey is undertaken which records the size, condition and quality of each tree. The respective radial crown spreads and root protection areas are plotted onto the topographical survey to produce a Tree Constraints Plan. The tree survey data is presented in a schedule, which also includes recommendations for any management and liability works. The information contained in the Arboricultural Constraints Appraisal is passed to the project architect to guide the formation [or adjustment] of a proposed new layout.

Experience & Qualifications

Experience & Qualifications

Arboricultural Impact Assessment

An Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIS) details the direct and indirect effects of the proposed changes upon those trees which have been identified as being of sufficient quality and life expectancy to justify retention within the context of the proposed changes and final layout. The AIS also includes a Tree Protection Plan, as well as details and specifications of mitigation and protective measures which may be appropriate.

Arboricultural Method Statement

This final section deals with the measures necessary to ensure the successful retention of important retained trees throughout the demolition and construction phases, and provides detailed guidance for the protection and management of retained trees and vegetation features SoundWood’s cost effective approach is for an Arboricultural Method Statement to be submitted as a comprehensive document incorporating all three stages within a single report. Our approach, whilst not only offering cost savings, also negates the need for further reports to comply with planning conditions, should consent be granted.

Discharging Planning Conditions

Upon grant of planning permission, the local planning authority is likely to stipulate some planning conditions related to the protection of site trees. The comprehensive documents submitted by SoundWood usually restrict such activities to a requirement for professional supervision to ensure the effective [specified] protection of site trees.

We will be pleased to offer our continued support throughout the demolition and construction phases. Working closely with your appointed construction contractors and local authority tree officers, SoundWood will oversee compliance with tree-related planning conditions, ensuring these can be discharged to the satisfaction of all parties.

Arboricultural Consultants Dorset

Dorset Tree Consultants 2023